CH'PR' Bearcamp's Singing Echo
D.O.B. 6/23/03 - 12/07
UKC/ AKC Registered

I never thought that I would see the day that I would have to sit here at my computer and write this. With a
heavy hard it kills me to write that our beloved Echo has passed away. Echo was without doubt one of my favorite dogs to show.
She knew the second she entered the show ring what she was supposed to do! Not only was she smart but she had the looks, one
of the best put together females I have see in a long time! She had the brains and looks in the show ring but never really
got to show what she had in the woods. Echo was making great progress in the woods but was very timid around a large crowed
of dogs and people. We wish she had more time to prove she could do it! We are not sure what took Echo from us as she was
staying with friends of ours at her time of death. Echo, You will forever be in our hearts.